
Ignoring the Angels’ Big Mo-ment?

Sometimes it isn’t hard to see why L.A. gets a reputation as being a laid-back sports town. In perhaps the biggest signing in franchise history, the Angels landed Mo Vaughn on Wednesday, an event that would have been the lead story on the 5 o’clock news in any city.

Any city except L.A.

After rapid-fire channel changing between L.A.’s news stations, I was finally given information about the event at 5:45. Forty-five minutes?

Not only did I have to wait, the guy on Channel 7 managed to stumble all over himself in trying to describe the signing, then gave the details in a semi-mocking tone. I suppose it was better than Channel 4, which didn’t have any shots of Mo in the entire hour.


Welcome to Southern California, Mo, I just hope someone will let the people know that you’re here.



I am curious: Does Mr. Adande have an extra job secretly with Disney? Because he is currently writing as if Michael Eisner signs his paychecks.

Since when does a free-agent signing make a local corporation (Disney) better than the other (Fox)? I don’t really think 30,000 fans are going to jump Dodger Stadium and fill Disney’s body cramp-inducing, overpriced seats at Edison Field. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can take away the Dodgers’ storied tradition from its venues and players. In addition, Mo Vaughn has a history of burning bridges with management and changing his loyalty stories numerous times. He also doesn’t have something a guy named Bernie Williams has, who chose to stay with his team--two World Series rings.




As far as I am concerned, Kevin Malone has two strikes against him. Mo Vaughn is out. Bernie Williams is out. The only moves he has made are for overpriced, mediocre veterans such as White, Mills and Rojas. I now wonder which Kevin Malone the Dodgers hired. Is it the Kevin Malone of his days with the Expos, where he consistently fleeced us of our top prospects? Or did we get the Kevin Malone of the Orioles, where he had a bloated payroll full of subpar veterans? I am betting on the latter, and only Kevin Brown can keep Malone from striking out this off-season.

