
‘Xena’ Episode on Hindus Is Pulled After Protest

The producers of the syndicated TV show “Xena: Warrior Princess” have agreed not to rerun a recent episode after numerous Hindu organizations complained it belittled Hindu gods.

“The Way,” which aired in late February, featured characters based on Hindu deities, including one who was punched in the face and hit by Xena.

In March, several Hindu groups protested in front of Universal Studios, whose TV division distributes “Xena” internationally. The groups said that it was disrespectful for the fantasy action show to fictionalize Hindu deities.


“Xena” producers initially stood by the episode, saying that it treated the Hindu faith with respect and sensitivity.

But on Friday, Renaissance Pictures of Universal City decided not to air that episode again, permanently taking it out of distribution.

“We are genuinely sorry that we have offended members of the Hindu community and have no plans to produce any future episodes involving Hindu deities or personas,” the production company said in a statement.


The World Vaishnava Assn., a Los Angeles-based Hindu group, held a rally in West Hollywood on Monday to publicize the decision to pull the episode.
