
Dodger Move

Re “Dodger Move to Coliseum Area Proposed,” April 13: I am absolutely furious at the Fox Group for even toying with the idea of squeezing in a new stadium next to the Coliseum. Obviously, they’ve never admired the L.A. skyline from atop Chavez Ravine or watched the sun quietly slip into the Pacific.

Aside from razing arguably one of the most awesome stadiums in the history of baseball, don’t they realize that by moving they’ll be alienating half their fan base? I mean, who in their right mind is going to leave the Valley during rush hour just so they can inch their way downtown, only to get stuck in the parking lot on the 110 with everybody else waiting to exit at Exposition or MLK, then have to park somewhere on the USC campus, schlep like five miles on foot to the stadium, miss the first three innings and then pay seven bucks for a hot dog? (And this is when the Lakers are out of town.) I don’t think so.


North Hollywood
