
Country Roundup

Deejay - instructors Vince and Madeline Fiske will host a country-western dance at the American Legion Hall in Ventura on Saturday.

Admission to a taco dinner (5 to 7 p.m.) and the dance is $10 per person, or $6 dinner only and $5 dance only. Dance lessons begin at 7:30, followed by deejay music and open dancing until 11.

It all happens at 83 S. Palm St. For details, call 643-8833.


One-man-band Raywood and the Unseen will perform from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday for a country-western Valentine’s Day dance at the Camarillo Community Center.


During the first hour, instructors Dave and Esther Howells will teach a couples dance called “There Goes My Heart.” The event is open to all ages. Admission is $5 adults, $2.50 youths.

The center is at 1605 E. Burnley St. For information, call 482-1996.


Members of the California Old-Time Fiddlers Assn. will gather Sunday at the Oak View Community Center to play acoustic and amplified country music outdoors and in the main hall.

Between 1:30 and 4:30 p.m., folks of all ages come to play instruments, jam, sing, perform, dance or just listen.


The center is at 18 Valley Road. For information about the group, call 646-1583 or 486-8744.


Up the coast, Kerri Wilson and the Wheelers will make their debut at the Galleon Room at 9 p.m. today and Saturday. In addition, Wheeler and Steve Woods will continue to entertain the couples dance crowd at 9 p.m. Thursdays.

The Galleon Room is at 5925 Calle Real, Goleta. For details, call 967-0128.
