
Legal Aid Clinic Opens for Homeless

The Union Rescue Mission and the Pepperdine School of Law announced Tuesday the launch of a clinic that will provide free legal aid to the city’s homeless.

In a ceremony to inaugurate the Pepperdine Legal Aid Clinic, Union Rescue Mission board member Mablean Ephriam--better known as “Judge Mablean” from the TV show “Divorce Court”--said there “is great need for these services.

The clinic is located at the Union Rescue Mission headquarters in downtown Los Angeles. The mission is a privately funded, nonprofit Christian organization that has given shelter to Los Angeles’ homeless since 1891.


With more than 80 volunteers, the legal aid clinic will offer assistance with government benefits, child support, family law and issues of bankruptcy and taxes. Although it was officially launched Tuesday, it has been providing legal services to the homeless through a pilot program.

“Almost every time we help a client resolve a matter, no matter how little, I am overwhelmed with their gratitude,” said Jill Jones, director of the new clinic.

The idea arose last year, after students taking a course titled “Christ, the Law and the Legal Profession” expressed interest in integrating their faith with their skills, said professor Bob Cochran of the Pepperdine School of Law.


Cochran contacted the Union Rescue Mission, and a pilot project began, he said. Formed by volunteer students, it slowly expanded, as faculty members and lawyers in private practice volunteered.
