
Man Convicted in Error Plans to Sue Chicago for Millions

Associated Press

GAME OF THE WEEK (5 points)

A man who spent 15 years on death row only to have his conviction erased by a college journalism class investigation asked the state Wednesday to pay him for his prison time, and plans to sue city police for millions.

Anthony Porter, 44, could get $144,000 or more, said his attorney, Daniel Sanders. He said that wouldn’t cover the agony of sitting on death row waiting to die.

“I doubt that you could ask anybody to go into that situation for $140,000,” Sanders said after filing papers with the Court of Claims.


Porter spent 15 years behind bars for a double murder in 1982. He was released from prison in February after another man, Alstory Simon, confessed to the killings under questioning by a private investigator working with a Northwestern University journalism class.
