
Bridging a Border

It is a place where culture and commerce thrive, fed by the throngs passing between the U.S. and Mexico.

The international boundary between San Diego and Tijuana is the world’s busiest border crossing. It is an artery for cross-border commuters from both nations--about 113,000 people enter the United States legally here each day--and a scene of constant movement. It is also a bustling marketplace. Street vendors peddle everything from Christ figurines and tiny school desks to cheap jewelry and foam-rubber puzzle maps of the United States. Pedestrians heading in both directions get a more intimate view. On the Tijuana River footbridge, street children play warbling tunes for spare coins. Artisans populate small villages of craft shops nearby, offering handmade glassware and countless ornaments for the homes of thousands of U.S. tourists making day trips to Mexico.
