
World of Difference

As a woman, I feel obligated to respond to a man’s viewpoint on what to pack for an extended trip (“Packing Tips for a World Tour: Mind Your Socks, Forget Bandanna,” The Wander Year, Dec. 10). Recently I traveled in India for a month. Although there were a few items I could have left at home, my sarong and bandanna were definitely not among them.

The sarong took the place of a robe after a shower and also served as a sheet or a light cover and a swimsuit cover-up. It also could have served as another skirt.

I used the bandanna every time I got in a “tuk-tuk” or a taxi in the large cities to hold over my nose as a defense against exhaust and pollution. It also served as a sweatband, something to sit on when cleanliness was questionable, a towel in a restroom etc.



Los Angeles

I just wanted to tell you how much I’ve enjoyed the Wander Year series. What a great idea! I’m just unhappy to see the year coming to an end.


San Bernardino
