
O.C. Toll Road

Your article of Feb. 17 indicating that the San Joaquin toll road is in financial trouble misses the point. The road was never intended to solve traffic problems or make money for its investors. It was intended to facilitate the permits to build more housing in South County. The dupes are 1) the bondholders who invested in the project; and 2) the taxpayers who will buy the road when its builders need to get their money back.




Question for our highly compensated toll road bureaucrats: Did you ever consider that perhaps the reason more people don’t use the toll roads is that the users virtually are guaranteed not to have their cell phones work on these beautiful new boulevards?

I realize it’s easy to point the finger at our cell phone providers, but shouldn’t our visionary road planners have figured out that if people are willing to pay to use a road, they might want to maximize their car time productivity?



Coto de Caza


Toll roads are one of the large projects from our county government. This is just a prelude to the mistake that El Toro will be as an airport.

It is obvious that El Toro would not be an issue today if Measure F had been in effect on the first two elections. Think of the millions we could have saved already on the ill-fated airport; millions that could be used for things like bankruptcy recovery.


Foothill Ranch
