
State Auto Rebate Checks

* Re “State Will Spend $22.24 Million to Make Certain Voters Notice Tax Cut,” June 24: Like millions of other Californians, I seldom see the inside of a bank because of automated payroll deposits. This convenience is meaningless to the political egomaniacs that govern this state. Instead of just reducing our auto registration fees, $22 million of taxpayer funds will be spent to process rebate checks issued shortly after we pay the higher registration fees.

As we take time out of our busy schedules to deposit these checks, we should realize that we are wasting this time (and the $22 million) in order to “appreciate the fact” as Gov. Gray Davis puts it, that our benevolent state chooses to give back to us some of our own money. The cynical contempt that so many hold for our elected officials is really only a requited attitude.


Santa Ana


* Thank you for exposing such waste by our government. Now I know our state government has lost all common sense and logic. I will be sure not to vote for Davis, the genius behind this lame idea.


That money would better serve our homeless children roaming the streets of this state. Or, make the rebates bigger. What a waste! What’s wrong with enclosing an insert in the statements alerting us of the tax cut?

The real reason for this waste, obviously, is votes. How sad and low have we sunk. What an insult to the public’s intelligence.


