
Times Endorsements

Statewide Propositions

1A. Indian casino gambling. NO.

Proposition 12. Parks bond. YES.

Proposition 13. Water bond. YES.

Proposition 14. Library bond. YES.

Proposition 15. Crime lab bond. YES.

Proposition 16. Veterans homes bond. YES.

Proposition 17. Legalize charitable raffles. YES.

Proposition 18. Murder, special circumstances. NO.

Proposition 19. Murder of peace officers. NO.

Proposition 20. School lottery funds. NO.

Proposition 21. Juvenile crime. NO.

Proposition 22. Limit on marriage. NO.

Proposition 23. “None of the above.” NO.

Proposition 25. Campaign finance limits. NO.

Proposition 26. Majority vote on local school bonds. YES.

Proposition 27. Term limit declarations. NO.

Proposition 28. Repeal of Proposition 10 tobacco tax. NO.

Proposition 29. Indian gaming compacts. NO.

Proposition 30 and Proposition 31. Insurance referendum. YES.


Los Angeles County

Measure A. Remove senior managers from Civil Service. YES.

District attorney: Steve Cooley.

Judicial endorsements:

Superior Court, Office 31. Katherine Mader.

Alhambra Municipal Court. John Martinez.

Antelope Municipal Court, Office 1, Christopher Estes. Office 2, Pamela Rogers.

Beverly Hills Municipal Court. Richard Stone.

Downey Municipal Court, Office 4, Jesse Rodriguez.

Inglewood Municipal Court. Deborah Christian.

Los Angeles Municipal Court, Office 1, David Mintz. Office 44, Richard Rico.


Orange County

Measure F. Require two-thirds voter approval of airport, jail in populated areas, toxic dump: NO.

Superior Court

Office 1, Marc Kelly.

Office 6, John Conley.

Office 7, Sheila Fell.

Office 10, Gary Paer.

Office 24, Mike Capizzi.

Office 26, Fred Anderson.

Office 30, Dan McNerney.

County Board of Education

Area 1, Felix Rocha.

Area 3, Joanne L. Stanton.


Ventura County

Board of Supervisors

District 1, Steve Bennett.

District 3, Michael Morgan.

District 5, John K. Flynn.

Measure F, Countywide SOAR vote to allow expansion of St. Joseph’s Health and Retirement Center in Ojai. YES.
