
Symphony Sounds Delivered to Students

Thanks to New West Symphony of Thousand Oaks, third-graders at Arroyo West Elementary School in Moorpark heard musical instruments that many had never seen before.

As part of the Symphonic Adventures program, which sponsors music programs around the county, a van packed with instruments makes the rounds to elementary schools. The van is operated by parent volunteers and school staff members.

“In most [elementary schools], music has been eliminated,” said Betsy Chess, executive director of New West Symphony. “Music is just not available anymore. This type of program introduces them to music and lets them actually play with the instruments.”


The children responded enthusiastically during a visit to their classroom Wednesday. Eyes closed, they listened to the sounds of Mozart.

“It makes me feel like I’m at a wedding,” one third-grader said.

Afterward, each student got a chance to try some of the instruments. They banged on drums, blew into trumpets and plucked the strings of violins.

It may not have been music to the trained ear, but to the 20 third-graders that played, it was a perfect melody.


Alec Moreau, 9, found his talent for holding his breath worked even better when he directed it into a trumpet. “It makes your lips get ticklish,” he said after he tested his lungs with a particularly long note. “And it’s really loud.”

That’s exactly the type of attitude that the school’s music teacher said she wants to foster.

“I want them to have that dream,” said Mary Mesick, music specialist at Arroyo West. “Music never has as much influence later in life as it does when they are young.”
