
Masry and Thousand Oaks Development

Re “Protecting the Land a Strong Suit,” Ventura County Perspective, March 19.

Hollywood has granted Ed Masry 15 minutes of fame and he’s milking it for all it’s worth. He rode into town on his high horse three years ago and decided Elois Zeanah was a victim of greedy developers out to silence her. What nonsense. Zeanah was a major league drama queen who grandstanded on the City Council and accused good people who disagreed with her of being on the take of developers (boo, hiss). She dished out insults to city staff and opposing council members, then carped about the bad vibes at council meetings.

So much for Masry’s keen judgment. I wonder if he realizes that the building where his movie premiered locally would not exist if Zeanah had had her way: Trying to stop the Civic Arts Plaza launched her political career. Anyone who has attended a show there can be grateful that Zeanah and her cohorts didn’t get their way.

As for developers, where is evidence of their evil? In the 13 years I have lived here, this city has gotten better. More theaters, more restaurants, more housing. I have not met a soul who favors turning Thousand Oaks into Reseda. Not one. Loudmouths such as Linda Parks act as if they, and only they, care about the quality of life here. It is arrogant and untrue. And now they have a deep-pockets Clarence Darrow wannabe helping them sow more discord. How nice.



Thousand Oaks
