
Libbey Park’s Oak Trees

Re “Removal of Trees in Libbey Park,” Ventura County letters, March 22.

In reading these letters my husband and I got some good laughs.

One says the man who strapped himself to the oak was a vision of “two of God’s creatures” becoming as one. The second has a problem with playground equipment of any kind, which the trees used to “mercifully camouflage.” The last was the juiciest, because it likened the “execution” of the trees to those “who cannot defend themselves.” I wonder if they feel that bad when they murder their grass with a lawn mower.

Good grief, people! When you elevate the plant world above the level of human life and safety, you need a reality check. I recommend a good dose of horticulture--go plant a new tree somewhere and get over it.


Simi Valley
