
Missing Oscars

I’m so glad to hear of the effort the great LAPD (and FBI) put forth in solving the case of the missing Oscar statuettes (March 21). To think, the LAPD would assign their top deputies to this theft, which didn’t even happen in L.A., and spend countless hours and taxpayer dollars on the trail of $18,000 worth of statuettes.

I only wonder why, when my $20,000 car was stolen from a parking lot not far from the Motion Picture Academy’s offices, I couldn’t even get the LAPD to send someone to take a report. I was told to come down to the station and fill one out myself, that it wasn’t worth the expenditure of the resources.

Suddenly I understand what those of us outside the Hollywood elite have said all along: Justice is only for those with fat wallets and high profiles. Those of us “every-day people” who pay the lion’s share of the taxes are left holding the bag.



