
Republican Mouthpiece Doesn’t Speak for O.C. Latinos

* Re “O.C. Latinos Are Key to Bush Carrying California in November,” May 7 Orange County Voices:

It sounds as if the column writer, Matthew Cunningham, was still hung over from Cinco de Mayo. How else can you explain his kooky “analysis” of Latino politics in Orange County?

As a Latino who lives in Orange County, I must laugh at the idea that someone by the name of Cunningham can inform the public of what it is we want.


What are his credentials for doing so? Being Steve Forbes’ caddy? The least the GOP can do is dust off the old token standbys like Gaddi Vasquez and Tom Fuentes and let them make their case.

Democrats didn’t have to demagogue Proposition 187. Gov. Pete Wilson’s commercials did that for us. That’s what drove newly naturalized citizens toward the Democratic Party.

But the biggest laugh was Cunningham’s suggestion that the GOP conduct English classes. Who will teach it, Bob Dornan? Not even George W. Bush’s crummy Spanish will win over Orange County Latinos, let alone California’s.



Garden Grove

* It boggles the mind how one man’s view of the political and cultural landscape could be so wrong.

Cunningham wants to believe that Latinos are ripe for plucking because of our religious backgrounds, which hold ever sacred the sanctity of life, and a work ethic that drives us to make our own way and not depend on others for assistance.

This is flawed thinking because Republicans, and in particular Pete Wilson, led the battle cry against Latino immigrants, not only “illegal” but also legal immigrants and U.S. Latino citizens.


How can we forget Proposition 187, that wanted to deny the most basic of services to our people: education and health services?

How can we forget Proposition 207, that was to extend to all access to higher education and jobs but really was to deny Latino youth entry into the University of California and educational services that would allow us to compete on a level playing field?

Latinos are just as smart as the white conservative Orange County Republicans who would have us believe that we are just waiting for an invitation to join their ranks.

We will not be taken for granted. We will not forget what Republicans have done to us, from trying to destroy the United Farm Workers Union under the George Deukmejian and Wilson gubernatorial reigns, 16 years of tyranny against Latinos, to denying us a living wage so that we can feed, clothe and house our families.

I would have lauded Cunningham if he had said, “Let’s get some Latinos in south Orange County to run against those incumbents in the state Legislature who will be termed out.”

Now that is a bridge. Or how about Orange County Republican legislators introducing a bill to allow undocumented students to attend colleges and universities as residents? This is really one way to show that he cares about us and our children.


For the moment, we want our needs addressed by Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Garden Grove), who in three years has done more for our Latino community than all of the Orange County legislators in the last 25 years.


Los Alamitos

* I am intrigued how Matt Cunningham’s work experience with millionaire losing candidates Michael Huffington, Darrell Issa (for U.S. Senate), and Steve Forbes has positioned him to advise us how the Orange County Latino vote will be key for a Bush victory in November.

Anyone who has been involved in Orange County Republican politics for some time, as I was, has heard this tune time and time again.

How is it that if we have the best Republican Party operation in the country, and a Latino as the party’s long-running chairman, we even have to ponder this question?

Surely the leadership of Tom Fuentes should have turned the tide of Latino registration and turnout in Orange County, and increased Republican registration in central Orange County.

But alas, we have suffered through poll guards, Proposition 187 and retread candidates. Lou Lopez is challenging Assemblyman Lou Correa (D-Anaheim) because he was allowed to run since he is Latino.


Gloria Matta Tuchman, fresh off her embarrassing showing for state superintendent of public instruction, was the overwhelming choice to challenge Loretta Sanchez because she is a Latina. Was there any other reason?

The Republican Party has consistently talked the good talk about Hispanic outreach. But where are the results? Republican registration is less than 50% in Orange County for the first time and is dropping further in the central part of the county.

It is time for the Republican Party to put up or shut up. And if we fail again, then we Republicans better look for leadership elsewhere.

Because it will be apparent that those in charge have no clue how to solve the problem.


Santa Ana
