
Blue Line Expansion to Allow 3-Car Trains

In an attempt to boost capacity and ridership on the Long Beach Metro Blue Line, stations will soon be expanded to accommodate three-car trains, MTA officials said Thursday.

On Monday the first phase of construction will begin. Platforms at 19 stations along the 22-mile line to downtown L.A. will be lengthened.

The project is expected to be completed by late summer in 2001.

The Metro Blue Line, one of the busiest light rail lines in the country, transports almost 60,000 passengers a week.


The platforms will be expanded and rail cars added because many trains are filled to capacity during peak hours.

The $9.7-million project will be completed in phases, beginning with the Metro Blue Line Grand Station. Work will take place between 9 p.m. and 12:30 a.m., Sunday evenings through Friday mornings.

Officials anticipate minor service delays caused by construction.
