

* Re “Face to Face With History,” Nov. 14.

After reading the article in the San Fernando Valley section, I could not help but respond with this plea: Why does every exhibit about man’s inhumanity to man revolve around the Jewish Holocaust, and only around it, as if no other holocaust is deserving of its own exhibit?

Gazing at the pictures of the students on those pages, why are there no exhibits for the Jim Crow era, its laws and lynchings? The genocide of the Native Americans during our great westward expansion? Not to mention the still unacknowledged extermination of the Armenians by the Turks in 1915, a rather relevant issue for many young people reading your Valley section. And of course, there are the more contemporary ones: Rwanda, Burundi, Kosovo, Bosnia before it, the civil war in Guatemala. On and on we can go.

The Jews of World War II do not have a monopoly on victimhood, nor should a holocaust be only a Jewish thing. If it becomes so, then it loses all meaning for the rest of humanity.



