
Boy Scouts

* Intolerance and lack of respect are abhorrent in many situations, and it is particularly unfortunate in the case of the Boy Scouts of America.

A person’s religion or sexual orientation shouldn’t be an issue that determines membership in an organization whose main objective is to instill values in young minds. However, the laws set out by the Boy Scout organization are a reflection of a selected group of individuals and do not necessarily represent the organization as a whole.

Regional differences should be noted and dealt with individually. The Western Los Angeles County Council, in which my son is a Scout, has never had any conflicts with persons who have chosen alternative lifestyles or have decided that God doesn’t exist. About 50% of the parents in our troop are Jewish. . . . Fundamentalists have not dictated our agenda. Instead, my son is receiving an education and value system that he would not necessarily be exposed to if he were not a Scout.


In a sense, he is attending enrichment classes for a nominal fee that cannot be matched even by a highly gifted academic program. Merit badges offer him training in subjects such as chemistry, first aid, art, traffic safety, engineering, survival skills etc., not to mention conservation and social responsibility.

Many of the leaders of our country were Eagle Scouts. The road to Eagle teaches the boys leadership, organizational skills and service to the community. It is one of the most impressive programs for young men that I have ever seen. And yet our troop’s meeting place in a public park has been threatened to be taken away because of zealous politicians wishing to draw attention to their own personal causes. Both sides are extreme but the only ones that will suffer are the boys themselves.

It was disturbing to me to read about Leonard Lanzi, an Eagle Scout who was fired from his job on the Los Padres Council (“Scout Official Is Fired After Saying He Is Gay,” Nov. 6). It is obvious that the Boy Scouts need to rethink some archaic ideas, but please do not allow politicians to take it out on the organization as a whole. Do not harm those who are sincere in their efforts to do good by not allowing them to meet. Both sides must learn tolerance and use some common sense.



Granada Hills
