
Trust the Agent

Christopher Reynolds’ story “On the Fly, on the Net, on the Way” (Nov. 5) is misleading.

Why spend seven hours on the Internet to book a weekend in Phoenix when a travel agent such as myself can do the same thing, with all your criteria in place, in a very short time? We know the questions to ask to ascertain the best rate for the kind of room our client wants, as the room types differ in so many ways. In most cases, our prices are lower than an AAA rate, but if not, we know to ask for other rates. That is our job: to know those things that make the difference.

The Internet is an awesome tool for retrieving information on properties that interest you, but then let someone else work out the details for you. Even though there is a nominal surcharge per ticket, it is well worth it to know that your trip will be perfectly suited to your needs.


