
Preserving Somis

I was sorry to learn that Supervisor Judy Mikels was given the entire Las Posas Valley as part of her district.

Preserving Somis as it is was one of the reasons I gave several hundred dollars to SOAR (Save Our Agricultural Resources). It is a distinctly little country town/village that reminds me of the remote country area I grew up in, in Canada.

I was taken with Somis when one day I decided to walk through the residential area. So many homeowners have done something unique to their properties to make them very attractive.


Sometimes I wish I could become the local dictator. First, there would be no large trucks allowed on Highway 118--New Los Angeles Avenue in Moorpark. When I was attending Moorpark College, I used to go to B.J.’s cafe on New Los Angeles Avenue, but the trucks became too much--fumes, noise, etc. This dictator would make the large trucks continue on Highway 23 to the Ventura Freeway. Avoiding the weigh station on the 101 would be impossible.

So Supervisor Judy Mikels, give those Somis folks--and Moorparkers too--some consideration. Seek another solution--another route for Highway 118. If it costs a little more to build, charge a toll. Preserve the country charm of my beloved little Somis. And by the way, I’m a resident of Thousand Oaks.

Bill Murphy

C.W. Murphy

Westlake Village
