
State’s Infrastructure

Re: “New Crises Loom in State’s Aging Infrastructure,” Feb. 18:

I’m going to tell you something our leaders won’t ever admit. I can say it because I’m not running for office and never intend to.

We will never have enough roads, schools, water or housing to accommodate California’s population, because our population doubles every few decades and no amount of building can keep pace with such increases. The only real solution is to cut our population growth. But this is something that’s not even on the agenda. Why? Conservatives won’t discuss it because it involves family planning. Liberals won’t discuss it because they think it will lead to immigrant-bashing.

We can talk about shortages of housing, overcrowded schools, scarce water supplies, jammed freeways and not enough open space all we want. But until we address the root of the problem, our population explosion, at best we’re just treading water.



Santa Monica
