
Arming Principals

* Re “To Texas Lawmaker, Guns Are the Answer,” March 16: What insanity is this? Texas state Rep. Suzanna Hupp wants to create laws so that school principals will be armed should a student or other crazed person open fire on a campus. What kind of parents would send their children to an armed camp where a teacher or principal would be willing to shoot a child, even in self-defense? In previous school shooting incidents, the shooters were [as young as] 11 and 13. Far be it from her to suggest metal detectors at schools, or routine searches of lockers and backpacks. Or better yet--anyone with a child should not own a gun.


North Hollywood


* I salute Hupp on her honesty in advocating the 2nd Amendment right for all. Her firsthand knowledge of being a victim of a maniac is irrefutable, and her no-nonsense approach is refreshing. I wish Rep. Hupp would consider moving to California, as her idea for arming school principals might prevent the next armed coward from taking innocent lives in the future. Funny, I haven’t heard of any school shootings in Texas.


