
More window shopping spots

You missed an important window wonderland in Santa Monica -- OOHS and OZ (“In a Window Wonderland,” Dec. 12).Owner Michele Borquez and her entire family who own and run this unique children’s boutique display a Christmas village that’s one city block long, complete with a running train and skiers. A not-to-be missed treat for adults and kids ... fun all day, with the lights coming on at twilight and remaining on until 8 p.m.

Patricia Antin

Santa Monica


Your interesting article was brought to my attention from customers who frequent our store and sometimes just stop by to see my windows. A few of them called to let me know that Out of the Closet’s window was included in your “Stop and Stare” list of holiday displays.

Just to let you know, I not only dress the windows, but I only use items donated to the store. I have no budget and do only what I can with what is in the store.


Victor Gamino

West Hollywood
