
Students’ Arrests Prompt a New Class

From Associated Press

The arrests of six Middle Eastern men who were not taking enough college courses to satisfy their visa requirements have prompted Colorado State University to start a class to educate foreign students about immigration laws.

A CSU student was among those arrested by the Immigration and Naturalization Service over the last two weeks for enrolling in fewer than 12 hours of courses. The other five attend University of Colorado campuses in Denver and Boulder.

None of the men was suspected of other violations, the INS said.

An immigration lawyer will lead the workshop for male students from 13 nations, CSU officials said Friday.


Mark Hallett, director of International Student and Scholar Services at CSU, posted $5,000 bail for the arrested CSU student. “I hope it’s the last time that ever happens,” he said.

Jerome Bookin-Weiner, director of International Programs at CSU, said most of the jailed students had legitimate reasons for being under the requirement.
