
Turf Wars Continue in South County

Re “Group Wants Irvine Project Put to a Vote,” June 21:

After reading your article, I have to hand it to pro-airport supporters. They’ve tried to disguise themselves as groups worried about jobs and the economy. Now they reappear as a water quality group.

Although inventive, when you peel away the facade, all you find is another Newport Beach-based group trying to tell Irvine what to do with its land. Haven’t we danced this dance before?

Gail Paulsen



Irvine Mayor Larry Agran and City Councilman Chris Mears should be ashamed of themselves for engaging in a smear campaign against Defend the Bay and its director, Robert Caustin.


Agran and Mears have accused Defend the Bay of being backed by pro-airport money but have never once offered any proof.

I’d like to know how opposing more sludge in Newport Bay is pro-airport. I’d like to know how opposing the transfer of 8,000 housing units into the Northern Sphere is pro-airport. And I’d like to know how any of this is relevant, considering that the Navy has stated that it will sell off the El Toro base in parcels for non-aviation uses once Irvine annexes the land.

The El Toro airport proposal is dead, but that doesn’t seem to stop Agran and Mears from using Joe McCarthy tactics in destroying the reputation of citizens exercising their right to be heard.


Stephen C. Smith



Re “Irvine ‘Sub-City’ Plan Grossly Irresponsible,” June 30:

I’m glad that Angela Gallagher is so worried about the impact that Irvine’s Northern Sphere development would have on adjacent cities. But, where was this neighborly concern in her previous letters promoting an LAX-like airport at El Toro that would have had jets flying over and polluting most of South County?

Perhaps it’s merely a coincidence that the Northern Sphere development makes an airport at El Toro that much harder to attain.

Felix Chen

