
Cypress Residents Get Street Theater Delivered to Their Doors

A new kind of street theater? The police log of the Los Alamitos News-Enterprise carried this item out of Cypress: “Moody Street, 9000 block, 8:27 p.m.: A man in his 20s wearing an olive shirt and knee-length shorts was going door-to-door and asking the residents to rate his acting.”

Hey! Watch where you’re slaloming there, buddy:

In West Yellowstone, Ginny Piccolo of Valencia found an unusual restroom sign (see photo).

Speaking of recreation: From the looks of the notice forwarded to me by John and Eileen Olmsted of Fullerton, that city will give you a good time, but it’ll cost you (see accompanying).

Dueling signs: Luis Ycasas of Alhambra snapped a pair of warnings arguing over no-parking hours (see photo).


Just to complicate things even further, the “2 Hour” sign says “Except Sunday” at bottom.

Aerial advisory: Anyone who dares look up at the sky knows that crows are taking over the world (listen--you can hear them outside your window right now). And what’s worse, they appear to be recruiting from other species.

Matthew Wheeler of Mar Vista said a flock of crows accompanied by a white, silver-crested cockatoo visits his neighborhood every afternoon.

“He caws with them,” Wheeler said of the newcomer. “When he flies off, they will follow him to the next tree. I’ve seen them run off hawks, and he’s right there with them.”


Hotel California Down Under? In New Zealand, Lance and Becky Larsen of Irvine came upon a sign for a bed and breakfast place that was next to a cemetery sign. “You can check in,” they wrote, “but you can never check out.”

Did he root for the Lakers or Kings? Rusty Hammer was trying to enter the downtown Library Tower the other day when the security guard asked to see his identification.

“My driver’s license still has my Sacramento address on it,” he told the L.A. Business Journal. “When he saw that he said, ‘Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t let you in. You guys poisoned Kobe [Bryant].’ ”


The guard, who was referring to the reported case of food poisoning suffered by the Lakers basketball star in that city, was joking. He allowed Hammer to enter.

Which is only right. After all, Hammer is the new president and chief executive of the L.A. Area Chamber of Commerce, a post similar to the one he held in Shaq-ramento.


MiscelLAny: Eddie Cress of Sylmar observed that a Times story on a winery mentioned that one of the co-founders was a Brewer: Greg Brewer. The name doesn’t quite fit, of course. Steve Dahlerbruch of Beverly Hills read that the plant manager of the Miller Brewing Co.’s Irwindale plant is retiring. Alas, his position has been filled. Incidentally, the name of the retiree is Ed Beers.


Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LA-TIMES, ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A. 90012, or e-mail steve.harvey@
