
Worst Smelly Sneakers Walk Away With Prize

From Times Wire Reports

They’ve worn their sneakers while mowing the lawn. They’ve left them outside in the rain, and they’ve dragged them through the mud.

And on Tuesday, contestants from as far away as Alaska attempted to overwhelm judges with their foul-smelling sneakers in the annual rotten sneaker contest in Montpelier, Vt.

One child even sang a rap song about the shoes his father makes him keep on the fire escape.


But in the end it was 9-year-old Danny Denault of New Milford, Conn., who won the respect of the panel’s sniffers and the top prize, a $500 savings bond.

Denault’s secret to victory?

“The cow pies,” said Denault, who helps out on his baby-sitter’s dairy farm. “They’re just hard to avoid. They’re everywhere.”
