
When Will Politicians Learn About NFL?

Nice job, burying on Page D8 the news of the latest scam--er, plan--to bring an NFL team to L.A. [“Land Project Could Yield Stadium,” May 2].

Mayor Hahn and the City Council once again show how out of touch they are with the public. Angelenos just don’t want another American football team and the concomitant taxpayer burden.

As for “a proposal [that] would create a powerful Community Redevelopment Authority”--there already is a CRA, with a plan for residential use of the “South Park” area that has been on the books, and supposedly in the works, since 1975.


If Mayor Hahn and his cronies want to fast-track a new team and stadium so badly, put them in the Valley and let the businesspeople in Secession City foot the bill.

Or put the stadium downtown, but go all the way. Bring Michael Ovitz back on board the development train and call the new football team the L.A. Weasels.

Russell Johnson

Marina del Rey
