
Los Angeles Times Bestsellers

*--* Southern California Rating FICTION Last Week Weeks on List


*--* 1 ATONEMENT by Ian McEwan (Nan A. Talese/Doubleday: $26) A 1 7 haunting novel of guilt and redemption that follows several lives through the chaos of England in World War II 2 THE NANNY DIARIES by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus 2 8 (St. Martin’s: $24.95) The travails of an overworked and underappreciated Park Avenue caregiver 3 CITY OF BONES by Michael Connelly (Little, Brown: $25.95) -- 1 Detective Harry Bosch is after the truth behind the 20-year-old murder of a child, whose bones are discovered in Laurel Canyon 4 SEA GLASS by Anita Shreve (Little, Brown: $25.95) -- 1 Newlyweds move to a New Hampshire beach in the 1920s, before the Great Depression changes their lives 5 DADDY’S LITTLE GIRL by Mary Higgins Clark (Simon and -- 1 Schuster: $26) A journalist struggles to keep her sister’s killer in prison despite his wealthy and influential family 6 BLACK WATER by T. Jefferson Parker (Hyperion: $23.95) 8 3 Homicide detective Merci Rayborn is alone in believing that a sheriff’s deputy didn’t kill his young wife 7 THE SUMMONS by John Grisham (Doubleday: $27.95) A man 3 11 discovers $3 million in his dead father’s house and hides it from his prodigal brother and a mysterious extortioner 8 EVERYTHING’S EVENTUAL by Stephen King (Scribner: $28) A 4 5 collection of stories about close encounters with the dead and near-dead; includes King’s e-book, “Riding the Bullet.” 9 EVERYTHING IS ILLUMINATED by Jonathan Safran Foer -- 1 (Houghton Mifflin: $24) A comic novel about a man’s search for his family’s past in Ukraine and the history of a forgotten shtetl 10 BALZAC AND THE LITTLE CHINESE SEAMSTRESS by Daj Sijie 12 15 (Alfred A. Knopf: $18) Two Chinese youths use classic Western literature to free their minds in the face of communist re-education 11 THE COMPANY by Robert Littell (The Overlook Press: 14 2 $28.95) It’s spy versus spy in this epic Cold War thriller, which has CIA spooks searching for a mole in their midst 12 WIDOW’S WALK by Robert B. Parker (Putnam: $24.95) Boston 11 5 detective Spenser defends a sexy young woman against charges that she had her banker husband murdered 13 2nd CHANCE by James Patterson (Little, Brown: $26.95) The 5 8 Women’s Murder Club is back on the case, looking to stop a racist killer who doesn’t like cops 14 THE BOOK OF ELEANOR by Pamela Kaufman (Crown: $24.95) A 7 2 tale of power and passion in medieval Europe, told through the eyes of one of its protagonists, Eleanor of Aquitaine 15 THE GOOD MEN by Charmaine Craig (Riverhead: $24.95) A -- 8 village rector and the women he loves cope with their desires as inquisitors hunt for heretics in 14th century France


*--* Southern California Rating NONFICTION Last Week Weeks on List


*--* 1 STUPID WHITE MEN ... AND OTHER SORRY EXCUSES FOR THE 1 9 STATE OF THE NATION by Michael Moore (ReganBooks: $24.95) Lampooning the Bush administration and more 2 BLINDED BY THE RIGHT by David Brock (Crown: $25.95) 8 4 Conspiracies, schemes and character assassination are the focus of these confessions by a self-described “ex-conservative.” 3 THE WISDOM OF MENOPAUSE by Christiane Northrup (Bantam: 9 9 $27.95) A physician describes symptoms and treatments for menopause 4 LUCKY MAN by Michael J. Fox (Hyperion: $22.95) A 2 3 heartfelt, candid memoir by the celebrity, describing his rise to fame and the effect of Parkinson’s disease on his life 5 WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? by Spencer Johnson (Putnam: $19.95) 4 108 The co-author of “The One-Minute Manager” uses the parable of mice in a maze to discuss managing change 6 A MIND AT A TIME by Mel Levine (Simon & Schuster: $26) A 6 3 pediatrics professor argues that schools need to teach children based on their individual learning styles 7 A SONG FLUNG UP TO HEAVEN by Maya Angelou (Random House: -- 1 $23.95) The author of “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” continues her account of life during the 1960s and ‘70s 8 NIGGER by Randall Kennedy (Pantheon: $22) The evolution -- 5 of an explosive word and its shifting meanings in the history of American race relations 9 WHAT WENT WRONG by Bernard Lewis (Oxford University: 14 9 $23) An esteemed historian describes the Islamic Middle East’s fall from enlightenment into repression and tyranny 10 SELF MATTERS by Phillip C. McGraw (Simon & Schuster: 7 14 $25) A self-improvement guru and “Oprah” regular teaches readers how to “create your life from the inside out.” 11 FIND ME by Rosie O’Donnell (Warner: $23.95) The -- 1 talk-show host writes about how helping a pregnant young girl led to her decision to end her daily television show 12 JOHN ADAMS by David McCullough (Simon & Schuster: $35) -- 44 The story of our second president, a man Thomas Jefferson called “the colossus of independence.” 13 SACRED CONTRACTS by Caroline Myss (Harmony: $25) Lessons 15 10 in decoding symbols, myths, intuition and coincidences to understand your purpose in life 14 THE POWER OF NOW by Eckhart Tolle (New World Library: 11 5 $21.95) How to improve relationships and encourage happiness and contentment by living in the present 15 THE UNIVERSE IN A NUTSHELL by Stephen Hawking (Bantam: -- 16 $35) The celebrated physicist offers up a look at space, time and the origin and future of the universe

