
Can’t Tell the Actors Without a Playbill

Re “Saddams Everywhere,” editorial, Oct. 2: Finally, some humor on my morning newspaper’s editorial page. Thank you. But your comments on Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) and former Vice President Al Gore invite a little balance. Imagine, with a little hair dye and mustache, the Great Little Mr. Bush could stand in for Saddam Hussein and, mixing metaphorical casting, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld could stand in for Field Marshal Erwin Rommel in a reprise of the 1951 movie with James Mason, “The Desert Fox.” Isn’t control of the oil fields still the ancient feud?

Regime change happens. Of course, not to threaten our field marshal, Rummy should be promised safety on return from another desert dust-up to yet again be an overpaid CEO for his next giggle.

Reed Gauge

