
One Less Newspaper for Greater Los Angeles

Contrary to Jill Stewart’s account, the demise of the alternative weekly New Times Los Angeles wasn’t because of post-Sept. 11 advertising cuts or Angelenos’ dislike of the paper’s so-called “hard-hitting” reporting (Opinion, Oct. 20). The truth is much simpler: The paper’s readers got tired of finding each week yet another shrill, slanted and often inaccurate expose combined with weak-to-nonexistent entertainment and arts coverage. Who wants to read that? No one does, which is why New Times is no more.

Jeff McQuillan

Los Angeles


Thank you for running Stewart’s story. The loss of a relentless, take-no-prisoners, investigative alternative paper like New Times Los Angeles inflicts a kind of a journalistic lobotomy on the L.A. metropolitan region. Consider this a formal request to The Times to step up to the plate, break with tradition, take a few New Times-style risks and start annoying our local herd of sacred cows. Earn your 50 cents.

James E. Moore II

Los Angeles
