
Marblehead Revisited: Make It a Public Park

Re “Panel Postpones Marblehead Hearing,” Sept. 6:

It is fair to say that, with the exception of some City Council members, most San Clemente citizens were delighted to see the Lusk Co. withdraw its plans for the development of Marblehead. I have a suggestion to help them solve the impasse: Turn the area over to the city for a public park and call it Lusk Park. This move will: 1) Cure them permanently of a huge headache; 2) Immortalize the Lusk name; 3) Produce a huge tax write-off that will probably offset all those lousy millions they were hoping to make; and 4) Make 50,000 citizens of San Clemente (who do not have a park) deliriously happy and forever grateful.

Flavio Ciferri

San Clemente
