
Clashing Cultures Seek a Moral World

In his Sept. 11 commentary, “Turning a Page in History,” Pico Iyer writes that in his recent worldwide travels, “Everywhere I go I come away with the same impression: It’s not Islam that’s on trial worldwide, but the USA.” President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, with their very vocal desire to declare war on Iraq, certainly don’t indicate that they are aware that this rhetoric not only acts to inflame the Arab countries but most of the countries of the world. Iraq is a problem for the United Nations; Bush should recognize this and be using his influence on that institution rather than on our individual allies.

Nate Rubin

Los Angeles


Our fighting men and women deserve our nation’s gratitude for protecting us from terrorists and their supporters. Instead, The Times serves up Iyer’s musings. What a shame that you force more “blame America” on us, especially on the 9/11 anniversary.

Neal Berke

Valley Glen
