
Police Intervene When Syrup Wielded as Weapon

It was a “sticky situation,” the Claremont Courier concluded. The newspaper’s police blotter reported that “two roommates, who’ve been at odds with each other for some time, got into a confrontation that led to head butts and broken glasses. Their ongoing battle escalated to an all-out war when one roommate used the other’s pancake syrup.”


Guide to (More) Adventurous Dining: Today’s specials (see accompanying) include:

* A market that actually charges you to eat crow (Charles Scott)

* Some soup not du jour (Daniel Fink)

* An eatery that seems to specialize in Antarctic dining (Gerald Jones)

* A menu item that you might expect to see April 1 (though it’s actually a Middle Eastern dish)(Debra Rabin)

* And a restaurant that evidently pays diners to eat there (Beverly Carr and John Shaboo).

Mondegreens of the Day: In keeping with the column’s food theme

“When I was a boy,” Shawn Roberts confided, “I thought it quite strange that Rod Stewart would sing a song about a cut of meat. One day, in the car with my parents, I belted out the lyrics and when it came time for the chorus, I gave my best, ‘Filet Mignon!’ ” Roberts’ parents informed him it was “Forever Young.”


David Morin wrote he didn’t realize the Rolling Stones were singing, “I’ll never be your beast of burden.” But he admitted: “I couldn’t figure out why they were singing, ‘I’ll never see your pizza burnin.’ ”

And Chad Edwards’ daughter Kyle would belt out “a dynamite version of the national anthem when she was 3, albeit with one minor change: “ ... Gave prunes through the night that our flag was still there.”

Play ball! The Dodgers open their season Monday in Dodger Stadium -- unless the new owners have moved them elsewhere by then -- so it’s time for you to get into practice for singing during the seventh-inning stretch.


Here’s the classic baseball song, as interpreted by Ozzie Osbourne at Wrigley Field last August after he’d had a few beers.

Let’s go out to the ball game.

Lets go out to the bluhhhn.

Take me a eeyan eeya the field.

I don’t care if I aah-uhn ack.

Da da da da duh da da da earn.

Duh ee, da da da da dahhh.

For a fee, two, three strikes you’re out

At the old ballgame. Yeahhhh.

On second thought, maybe you better just depend on your memory of the lyrics. Chicago Tribune readers voted it the worst rendition of all time. Hey, at least he wasn’t asked to sing the national anthem.

miscelLAny: Ah, the glamour of being a professional athlete. Walter Ray Williams Jr., one of the leading money winners on the pro bowling tour, told the Dallas Morning News he does spot groupies. “Some are attractive young females,” said the 44-year-old Cal Poly Pomona graduate, “and some of them are little old ladies. Those are the ones that seem to like me the best.”



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