
Ownership is empowerment

Thank you for “Solo Performances” by Diane Wedner (Aug. 1) on the exceptional women who have forgone the dream of romantic chivalry and have purchased their own homes instead.

Their appreciation of an alternative community is also felt among many single female renters, like myself, who simply cannot afford the same degree of domestic security.... We must still endure landlords who evict with impunity, exploiting the vulnerability of their tenants and jeopardizing their safety.

For instance, rather than respecting my right of privacy as provided by California law, the owner of the cottage I am renting has given me a 30-day notice. Regardless of my stable lifestyle and impeccable consistency in maintaining the terms of our rental agreement, my month-to-month tenancy allows this abuse and leaves me no legal recourse.


Caroline Hanssen

South Pasadena
