

Times Staff Writer


A grand geological adventure

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Dec. 29, 2004 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Wednesday December 29, 2004 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 42 words Type of Material: Correction
Grand Canyon backpacking -- The Tours & Cruises column in Sunday’s Travel section said the cost of a five-day backpacking tour into the Grand Canyon organized by the Grand Canyon Field Institute was $325 per person. The cost is $475 per person.
For The Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday January 02, 2005 Home Edition Travel Part L Page 3 Features Desk 1 inches; 40 words Type of Material: Correction
Grand Canyon backpack -- The Dec. 26 Tours & Cruises column said the cost of a five-day backpacking tour into the Grand Canyon organized by the Grand Canyon Field Institute was $325 per person. The fee is $475 per person.

WITNESS geological forces at work on a five-day backpacking trip into the Grand Canyon starting March 11.

The trek, led by geologist Wayne Ranney, will cover 26 miles over four days. Hikers will descend from the South Rim down the Hermit Trail to the floor of the canyon and the Colorado River.

“This is an ideal route to be exposed to the major forces that continue to carve the Grand Canyon,” said Michael Buchheit, director of the Grand Canyon Field Institute.


Participants should have some backpacking experience and good stamina. “It’s a little punishing on the way in,” Buchheit said.

Nights will be spent at Hermit Creek, Monument Creek and Indian Garden campgrounds.

Cost: $325 per person. Covers camping permits, guide, instruction and class materials only. Gear, food and transportation from Los Angeles and back are not included.

Contact: The Grand Canyon Field Institute; (866) 471-4435,



Pedal, paddle

and heli-hike

CYCLE and canoe for eight days through New Zealand on trips starting March 4, 18 and 29.

The tours begin on the South Island with a canoe ride. The groups visit a craft village and pedal south along the coast in sight of the Franz Joseph Glacier.

Other highlights include heli-hiking and bungee jumping.

Cost: $2,775 per person, double occupancy ($550 single surcharge). Includes accommodations, all meals, snacks and drinks on the trail, entrance fees, ground transportation, use of Trek bicycles, accessories and gratuities. Airfare from Los Angeles is not included.

Contact: Trek Travel, Waterloo, Wis.; (866) 464-8735,


Relax -- it’s

glatt kosher

Dine on kosher cuisine beginning Jan. 20 for eight days at an all-suites resort in Puerto Vallarta.


The food will be freshly prepared glatt kosher under strict rabbinical supervision.

Guests can choose from a variety of activities, including land and water sports, daily prayer services, guest lecturers and the resort’s spa.

The package is available for families, couples and singles of all religious backgrounds.

Cost: $1,399 per person, double occupancy ($700 single surcharge); $999 teens 13-17; $799 4-12; under 4 stay free. Includes accommodations, meals, Club Kosher events and activities. Airfare from Los Angeles is not included.

Contact: Club Kosher, Orange, Conn.; (866) 567-4372,


Ring in Year

of the Rooster

Celebrate the Year of the Rooster during a four-day tour of San Francisco, starting Feb. 17.

Reserved grandstand seats on Feb. 19, the night of the Chinese New Year Parade, will guarantee a view of the floats, acrobats, the Golden Dragon and the fireworks display.

Excursions include a bus trip to Sausalito and wine tasting at a Sonoma Valley winery.

Cost: $728 per person, double occupancy ($190 single surcharge). Includes three nights’ accommodations, two meals, round-trip airfare and shuttles from home to the airport for Los Angeles-area residents.

Contact: AFC Tours & Cruises, San Diego; (800) 369-3693,


An education in local color

Spend a semester in Salamanca -- from Feb. 20 through May 14 -- with West Los Angeles College and Josefina Culton, a Spanish professor at the school.


The city in the province of Castile and Leon is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Students will be immersed in the Spanish language, living with local families and attending classes four hours a day.

On weekends, they will tour the region, including the cities of Avila, Segovia and La Alberca.

At night Salamanca has a lively disco scene.

The West Los Angeles College program is in cooperation with Pierce and Los Angeles Harbor colleges.

Cost: from $4,300 per student (no single supplement). Includes room and board, class instruction and guided excursions. College fees and airfare from Los Angeles are not included.

Contact: Josefina Culton, West Los Angeles College; (310) 745-4243.

The Times is not responsible for changes in prices, dates or itineraries. Send information to Tours & Cruises, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A., CA 90012, or e-mail travel@latimes .com.
