
Hot and cold

Noticeably absent from the analysis of “Fahrenheit 9/11” (“Box Office Bash for ‘9/11,’ ” by Elaine Dutka, June 28) was any mention of the public’s growling hunger for any serious debate of this nation’s dangerous lack of direction. Our narcoleptic acceptance of the Bush administration’s tiresome patriotic rants has worn thin. Michael Moore, despite a slovenly look and a zealot’s passion that conservatives love to ridicule, cannot be dismissed quite so easily. The lines around the block all over America provide plenty of evidence that our conscience, the sleeping giant, is awakening.

We went to see “Fahrenheit 9/11” instead of the inanity of “White Chicks” and “DodgeBall” because, well, we had a choice.

Brock Walsh

Santa Monica


What’s the big deal about “Fahrenheit 9/11” doing a $24-million weekend gross? That works out to around 3 million tickets, and I suspect that virtually all of them were bought by people who had already decided to vote against President Bush. Michael Moore was basically preaching to the converted. More power to him, I guess. Yawn.


Robert van Peer

