
Real men do Pilates

Although such athletes as NBA star Jason Kidd have endorsed Pilates -- exercises that strengthen core muscles while increasing flexibility -- many guys still consider it a workout for women. A new DVD, “Pilates for Men,” aims to dispel that myth.


Pilates for Men: This 30-minute video includes basic Pilates moves such as the hundred, the double-leg stretch and the corkscrew. This is not a beginner’s workout, and some basic knowledge of Pilates is helpful. Instructor Alisa Wyatt explains each exercise and its importance but moves somewhat quickly through the video. Demonstrating with her are two men -- a triathlete and a marathon runner. Wyatt, a Pilates teacher in New York City, said she chose these Pilates exercises because they reflect what men want (stronger abs) and what they need (more flexibility).

“Pilates for Men,” $24.99 for the DVD, is available at


-- Jeannine Stein
