
Fundraising for Ship

Re “Floating a New Idea for Tall Ship,” July 22: I must correct one glaring inaccuracy as it runs the risk of damaging the fundraising campaign [to dock the Tole Mour at the Channel Islands Harbor].

The Times asserts that I could “buy a yacht a month.” This couldn’t be further from the truth, unless the writer was referring to the sort of yacht that I have bobbing about next to my yellow rubber ducky in my evening bath.

The damage potentially done to our fundraising efforts is that it lays out the misconception that I might somehow be able to simply pay for this great ship out of petty cash and drop it off at Channel Islands Harbor. Sorry, that simply isn’t true.


Though I take pride in my last name, it does often spawn this misconception, and I certainly don’t want anyone I’ll be asking for philanthropic donations to think that I could simply write the check myself.

Larry Janss

Thousand Oaks
