
Looking at the U.S. From Inside and Out

Re “Film Critical of U.S. Policy Wins the Palme d’Or,” May 23: We need more people out there like Michael Moore who dare to tell the truth about what is going on in our country. I hope his political documentary “Fahrenheit 9/11” gets picked up in the United States and shown nationwide, and I congratulate Moore on his award.

I think every American should see the film and keep an open mind. I am sure that many on the right will refuse to see it, and surely will not accept it as fact if they do view it. They will live in their world of denial and continue their spin supporting the most corrupt, incompetent president ever to hold office.

Jeanne Stacks

Mission Viejo


I was watching a TV program a few nights ago that was revisiting the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Every person who was alive on that sad day knows where they were when they heard the news of his death. There wasn’t a dry eye in the country. I was comparing that to the hatred that we have today for President Bush and this country, as it was expressed by this year’s winner at the Cannes Film Festival. What a sad difference.


We have more toys and gadgets today than we had back in 1963, but at what cost to our soul? If Kennedy is looking down on us today, I wonder what he would be thinking. He might take a look at the eternal flame at his grave in Arlington National Cemetery to see if it has gone out. That flame burns not just for Kennedy, but for us all.

Robert H. Williams

Monterey Park
