
Rule Change Says Much About GOP Leaders

Re “House GOP Alters Its Rules to Shield Combative DeLay,” Nov. 18: House Republicans did not delay in passing a rule change to allow a certain well-known elected official to hold on to a leadership position if he’s under criminal indictment.

Does anyone wonder if we will have another “rule change” when that same House member is hauled off to a Texas hoosegow?

Larry Wilcox

Los Angeles


By changing the rules to allow Tom DeLay to remain as the House Republican majority leader if he’s indicted, the Republican leadership has revealed to the voters its true set of moral values: Do unto you as you would not do unto others. This is the same group that attempted to impeach President Clinton on moral grounds and ended by having Newt Gingrich step down from the same position DeLay holds while other Republicans revealed their own moral indiscretions and Congress was embarrassed before the world. What other moral examples will be shown in the next four years?


Lloyd A. Fradkin

