
Parents, Give Teachers Room to Do Their Jobs

What is wrong with parents these days? You know you have run into a problem when parents find finger painting in a kindergarten class an issue (“Head Lice,” Oct. 3). Over-analyzing, stressing and getting frustrated are not what adults should be doing about their children’s curriculum at such a young age.

This should be a point in the parents’ lives when they learn to let go and let the teachers teach. Teachers are trained, educated and possess skills that may not be obvious to a parent. The last thing teachers need is parents lurking over their shoulders and telling them how to conduct a class. Overly concerned parents only hurt their children in the long run by impeding their abilities to function on their own.

Travis Olsen



A letter to the editor (“Putting Schools to the Test,” Oct. 2) repeated the commonly held belief that American schools are inferior to those in other countries.


How can this be when our adults, most of whom attended public schools, dazzle the world with their accomplishments in science, engineering, business, law, medicine and the arts? These other nations send their most brilliant students to be educated in our graduate schools.

The vast majority of our talented and productive citizens were taught by American teachers. These dedicated men and women can be proud of their outstanding achievement and selfless devotion to the young people of the United States.

Linda Mele Johnson

Long Beach
