
Joining the Push for Tort Reform

Re “Even the Odious Have Legal Rights,” Commentary, March 30: Thank you, Andres Martinez, for the common-sense article about our judicial system. As a liberal who has long been a proponent of tort reform, I am embarrassed that the left turns a blind eye to the immorality of the legal system in much the same way that the right does with big business.

James L. Hardeman



Martinez presents a good argument on why fixing the legal system is so important. The class-action system was established so that groups of injured or harmed plaintiffs could pool their resources under one lawsuit. It was not intended for attorneys to add unwilling plaintiffs to a contingency-based suit to pad their fees. I applaud Congress for passing the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005.


This law will, among other things, stop personal injury attorneys from venue-shopping a lawsuit and help protect class members from getting coupons of little or no value while attorneys make millions of dollars.


Linda Okun

Executive Director

Los Angeles Citizens

Against Lawsuit Abuse

