
End-of-Life Bill Is the Wrong Solution

Re “Legislators to Take Up End-of-Life Measure,” April 11: As we have seen with Terri Schiavo, end-of-life issues can be complicated, difficult and often heart-wrenching. It is understandable that people who need end-of-life care want the choice to die on their own terms.

However, given the state of affairs in our healthcare system, with reductions to Medicaid and Medicare, along with the profit-driven HMOs, state Assembly Bill 654 is the wrong solution.

People with disabilities know firsthand the failures of our healthcare system. The difficulties in finding the right type of care can make people with disabilities feel as though they are a burden to loved ones, themselves and society. We cannot let assisted suicide allow our healthcare system to define the way we should die. Rather, we should fight for better end-of-life care that cherishes life on a person’s own terms.


Vince Wetzel


External Communications

California Foundation for

Independent Living Centers



I wish that I had the legal right to obtain help in ending my life that did not involve medical doctors because I do not wish to cause a physician any moral distress.

Kenneth L. Perry

Newport Beach
