
Funny takes on towers

RE “L.A.’s High-Style High-Rise” [Dec. 22]: I cracked up when I read this article.

My 9-year-old daughter still travels over the 405 and down Sunset to visit her grandparents at the Sierra Towers, where they have lived for 30 or so years.

Never have they evinced the kind of self-conscious and pretentious status-seeking portrayed in your article. I’m getting pretty sick and tired of reading “studded with celebrities” and other fawning phrases in Home articles.

Why don’t you be honest and rename the Home section the Society Pages, and while you’re at it, bring in a columnist like the late Joyce Haber, who never pretended she was writing about interior design, architecture or remodeling when she reported celebrity gossip.





I laughed at this morning’s approach to the report on the remodeled Sierra Towers. Clearly, L.A. -- or the reporter -- has no memory. The Sierra Towers has always been exactly all those things the reporter is attributing to it now. Nothing is new under the sun.


North Hollywood
