
Spelling It Out for Schwarzenegger

Arnie is working the alphabet. He’s stuck on the Ps -- prisons, pensions and politicians.

According to Arnie: The prison guards are the ones to blame for the high cost of prisons, not the high number of prisoners; the pension systems are to blame for the state’s revenue shortfall, not the expensive method of raising revenue through bond issues; the politicians in Washington have been cheating California out of our federal revenue, not that our own state revenue structure has failed to cover the state’s ongoing costs.

And just a few short months ago, he was on the Ns, bashing the nurses for the high cost of medical care. And if you stop printing pictures angled upward to his face so he looks tall, he’ll start in on newspapers!

What letter do you think he’ll stop on next? Not likely to be the letter that begins the word “governor.”


Thomas Parker

La Canada Flintridge
