
Masters controversy is par for the course

Re “Masters of discrimination,” editorial, March 30

I’m proud of The Times for championing gender equality by criticizing the Masters golf tournament for its policies, and IBM Corp. for its sponsorship of this exclusionary event. I guess this means that The Times will not send any reporters or photographers to Augusta this April or cover the event in any other way.


Playa del Rey


It’s another year (and one week before the Masters golf tournament) and all you’ve got is that the Augusta club discriminates against gazillionaire women by affecting their ability to network on club grounds as members? Could you find anything less important to waste ink on? This is a non-story. It was a story when Martha Burk, chairwoman of the National Council of Women’s Organizations, made her lame attempt to claim injury to women years ago, and it certainly is less significant now. Why? Because anyone with even a remote chance at being considered for membership in this club already has amassed so much wealth that nothing short of Abu Ghraib-like torture could cause real injury.

So, next year, when you are writing again this same non-story, think for a few seconds about what a real injury is.



Redondo Beach
