
Too much is lost in school violence

Re “Slain Teen Was Trying to Protect His Brother,” June 7

When I first heard about the student shot and killed Monday at Venice High School, I hoped it was not one of “my students.” But I found out that it was a student I taught in the 2000-2001 school year. Augustin Contreras was a sixth-grade student in my ESL intermediate class, two hours a day, five days a week. Yes, I remember him well.

He was articulate, bright, not a passive child. He was definitely a kid who wanted to learn and wanted to be educated. He was not an angry or an unhappy child.

I have spent much of today remembering Augustin. I know that there are many others who are doing the same thing.



Los Angeles


I am glad that our prosperous city has found the resources to help renovate an athletic stadium. I wonder, however, why it cannot find the resources to provide a solution to violence on our school campuses -- i.e. more paid security. The victim’s brother said, “There is no control in that school at all.” Yes, there are societal factors, but there is also a brass-tacks solution to end gang violence in Los Angeles schools, and that is more and better security. Yes, there will be a cost, but how very worth it. I personally would save a life over an athletic stadium any day.


