
Benefits of U.N. Global Compact

Re “Davos’ downhill slide,” Current, Jan. 21

We take serious issue with Daniel Drezner’s characterization of the United Nations Global Compact as one of several “new, grandiose initiatives that never quite live up to their billing.” What began as a call to action to global business leaders gathered in Davos, Switzerland, eight years ago has since grown to become the world’s largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative, with more than 3,000 participants in more than 100 countries. The program has contributed to the emergence of corporate responsibility not only as a moral obligation but as a management imperative.

Although certainly much remains to be done, scores of projects have been implemented that are delivering real and tangible benefits with regard to environmental and social issues. In addition, the Global Compact has inspired several high-profile initiatives that are embedding principles and values in important areas ranging from financial market operations to the training and education of tomorrow’s business leaders.


Executive director

U.N. Global Compact

New York
